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Big picture: Belleview Station is all about sustainability. We are building a place where it is possible to enjoy a large variety of street level amenity and distraction right outside your home and workplace. But when you are looking for a change, hop the rail and head to the mall or downtown and lose the car. Save the gas and insurance, save the hassle of traffic and parking, and save the planet. Focusing density and diversity of use at transit stations is the antidote to unsustainable sprawl.

Want to bike to work? There are showers and bike lockers in every office building. Take the train and need to run a nearby errand? Grab a zip car. Nice day but in a hurry? The district is pioneering a scooter program for the area.

On the local level, every building within the district has achieved some kind of LEED certification for energy efficiency and use of safe materials. The district endeavors to use only locally sourced materials in its streetscapes, is water wise with it’s plant and tree species, and is in the process of converting all streetlights to low power LEDs. Our People + Produce markets will seasonally provide from local farms and we encourage our developers to populate their ground floor retail from local business. We are new, but authentic Colorado.